How much money can you make selling weed

How much money can you make selling weed

Posted: Zute Date: 10.07.2017

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how much money can you make selling weed

You may also use the TripSitBot commands in the comments of a thread if you want to know more about a certain substance. Towards a culture of responsible drug use. So your shit mcdonalds job just isnt paying the bills. With the shit economy and your placement in fast food you've already got what it takes to become the next Pablo escabar.

You'll be getting a steady connect and don't pay more than an o on top shelf You can get this down to a zip with volume.

Want a better price buy a pound. Good price is is worth it tho. First number is unit of sale second is profit per unit and last is profit for each unit if you sold it all as that. If you are getting your o for that means you making good money. Your profit is decent. Figure your average pothead is good for a quad to a half o a week.

With just 10 pothead customers you will be moving 2. The money rolls in now. You'll make prob to a week of just 10 pothead customers.

How to make a Living Growing Medical Marijuana | THE WEED BUSINESS

Now imagine you have 4 dealers under you that you are still charging decent price for all with 10 customers. Each dealer is usually good to smoke half an o of their profits because they got supply around all the time. You'll be moving a pound to a pound and a half a week prob.

Just with your dealers that now cover your small shit cause you dont need the heat. You could do o or even for your dealers and make bank. Say you are buying you pounds at to an ounce you mdealers at least per o easy trafficking!!!! That's to a week easy in profits. That'sdollars a year pure profit conservatively. Probably more and tax free fool fuck McDonalds. Just ask the guy stoned at work next to you. You'll need to get some top shelf weed because A people want that loud, 2 less volume and better quality means if caught you risk a lower charge than selling pounds of ditch for nothing.

So you'll be starting your dealer career You'll need to get at least an ounce. A scale and of course bags. Never hook up bags. You'll want to start making clients. Say "yeah i could use a smoke" around anybody that looks like they need weed and isn't sketch. Hopefully you already have friends and connects. Now the prices out in the street are as high as you can get for it.

Sell Marijuana – Make money and don't get caught!

YOU ONLY GO DOWN if you can't get them to pay top dollar. Never sell new customers large amounts. If anybody brings you new trading binary options as they understanding or wants you to sell a large amount to them you say sorry not interested in meeting forex trading neural network people.

You want to insulate yourself from new clients. You want hedged forex day trading system pdf established customers to become your pawns.

Come on dude moving up in the world. How taptu make money don't asia capital stock brokers to have to do all the work anyway.

Your established customers can handle new clients becoming dealers in their own right. When a person is unwilling to supply the new friend themselves and continues to push for you doing it you have a narc or a bad customer. Now the main rule that peaple love to preach is to never front. THIS IS a NOOB MISTAKE. It should be never front or intend to deliver any amount that would break the bank if you lost it.

Fronting is an extremely useful tool in determining who is a professional and who is not. So you got a buddy that says "Hey dude you are so cool and you make that mad bread i wish i could sell weed too but I don't have any start up money dude how about you front me. If they pay you back when they said they would and on time it's a good thing.

IF they didn't pay you when they how much money can you make selling weed or took 5 minutes more than they should of you say sorry bro you got no credit and never front them again or even deal with them again regardless of cash in hand if they are late more forex fms a week.

Futures japan stock market they are slightly late but pay you you are dealing with a customer not a the dynamic relationship between stock returns and trading volume. They can buy straight up from you cash in hand again but this is the person to watch for they will rob you if presented the chance or they might rat at a higher rate.

Watch them like ninja hawk. Now hopefully you got a pro on your hands they paid you back quick and on time. They got their shit together. Don't you dare front an amount larger than a quad on this frist dealer front. It's on the front. NO DEALS you idiot. NEVER FRONT more until you collect the previous front IN FULL AND ON TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. At this point you should have made enough profit to cover a total loss on the front. EVER he can come pick up all the time.

Always make your ounces slightly less than 28g. The general rule is never front or intend to sell more than you have already profited off of a steady dealer under you. NEVER front more bank of america forex broker you can afford to have be a total loss. NEVER SELL 10 bags ever. CUT off anybody that doesn't handle their front PROPTLY and on time.

EVEN LONG TERM associates can get into money troubles and screw you. IF they start to struggle to pay back a front you could scale back to low end front's. NEVER reup a dealer under you with any amount of a previous front still out EVER. IF you even hear a word of them fronting on your front to other people they arent pro's and you might as well burn your money.

how much money can you make selling weed

A pro wants to make money and sell your weed. He will be trying to make your life easier not harder. Bullshit dealings smell bad and create a headache because they usaully are. Always Keep cash on hand as limited as possible and hide large amounts of supply and cash away from where you deal.

If you use your home be mindful that people see patterns. Switch locations before meets and always be late for the meeting and whenever possible leave drugs elsewhere. WEll that's all the advice has for today folks If you get robbed don't worry you followed my front guide and you found a cheap way to discover who is a pro and who is just a bitch.

PS under-covers tend to ridiculously overpay for something and same with narcs.

How to start career in selling weed and advanced trafficking tips. : Drugs

I don't see how you could expect to earn enough money in the bottom tiers of the drug distribution world for it to be worth the risk to do it full time. How to be a pot dealer in South Georgia 1. Live in the hood 3. Either have a pal that grows some basic regs and mids, or grow them yourself 4.

Should I sell weed | HYPEBEAST Forums

Rip people with overpriced weak weed 5. Profit with dumb repeat customers. Yep, there's a reason I only know of a few dealers in the shithole of a city I live in, and even a couple of them will work together sometimes, one jacking up prices ludicrously, with the other raising prices but not as much. This drives the customers to buy from the second guy at a high price than usual.

And yeah most dealers don't last long. Damn right, that's why I don't do much buying from dealers, since I can't find a good consistent dealer who won't blatantly rip me off and at least get me good shit. Sorry I'm rambling, the vyvanse is wearing off and I'm getting a little dazed lol, I need to sleep soon lol. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Prosecutor says 'too many lives ruined' because marijuana is illegal in N.

Anyone else find that unusual things in reality tend to happen while you're tripping? Xanax mega thread - you're only allowed to post in this thread about any 'bartard' stories. This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment.

Probably more and tax free fool fuck McDonalds Step one. Bitches get stitches and snitches get ditches. DO NOT ATTEMPT ANYTHING in this post.

Profit with dumb repeat customers This is basically every dealer where I live that doesn't have pot moved up from Florida. Have a good one mate. Move to a medical state: Posts are automatically archived after 6 months.

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