Savage mark 2 parts

Savage mark 2 parts

Posted: muzica_ksenia Date: 27.06.2017

The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Comments Comment by neoramp Has anyone seen where this spawns Nevermind found the info and i will share it Maps for the rare hunter pets spoiler.

Comment by Ozlem Quick Facts: Cat standard - available to all hunter specs Level: Bloody Tracks his tracks are now forward, not backwards! Tracks de-spawn approx mins after being laid. If tracking any of these rares I suggest going to system and selecting the lowest setting for ground clutter as it makes a huge different IMHO. Savage is tracked in the Jade Forest Glimmer also spawns in Jade Forest but the two paths never cross.

He zig-zags and semi loops obstacles from NE starting at the top of the cliff overlooking Sri-la Village walking slowly diagonally to SW look at the map above, the dots almost perfectly map his route. Be sure to keep an eye out for tracks on rocks as he leaves 'Bloody Tracks' which are a dark green track and can be hard to see on the forest floor, reducing ground clutter improves seeing these tracks but when he walks on rocks sometimes only a toe can be seen.

He is just beautiful. He is white with black stripes and is unique. In the shade he does look grey like Ro'Shen and the Summit Prowlers but they have blue eyes with pupils while Savage has full blue eyes with no pupil so to the trained eye he still stands out.

Right now he looks a little 'fake' as he has a odd shadow line all around him I've never seen him spawn and only come across his tracks a few times, all different sections of his patrol, so will update if I ever do see them spawn in a particular spot. I'm finding, out of all the rares, he is spawning more often then not and it's reported a full lap of his patrol from one point to the other and back again is 1h 10min 35mins each length but I've never stuck around to test this.

Don't forget when you flare and see him put Hunter's mark on him, hunter's mark allows you to forever see him once he exits the flare, failing to do so will result in him stealthing again, regardless if you're trying to tame him. In order to tame one of these nine you must first find some tracks, follow those tracks and when you hit the end of the tracks fire off a flare and hold-your-breath-cross-your-fingers-prey-to-whomever that it reveals the stealthed beast.

If not rinse and repeat until it exposes the stealthy elite. Once uncovered by a flare it's open season so flag ASAP. Comment by Mandibles Dear Fellow Hunters, I just tamed Savage on Aggramar Server, 2.

Things you'll want to note. As of patch 5. If a paw print is pointing towards you it means he's heading right towards you! Just follow the tracks they're kinda hard to see in certain parts of the Jade Forest as best you can. As others have stated, turning down your ground clutter to LOW can really make a difference and when you get to what looks like the last track in your sight, fire a flare about 10 meters ahead of you. If he doesn't show, pop Readiness and flare again a little further.

You can tag Savage with Hunters Mark so he doesn't vanish, and make sure you have your pet put away for a quick tame as soon as you see him! If you're having trouble keeping him still, try an ice trap before he wanders out of your range.

UPDATE For those on the Aggramar server, Alliance Side, I am willing to help you find and track Savage if I'm not busy in a dungeon. I've done this already for a few grateful hunters who were having trouble at finding this beautiful big companion.

I'm well versed in his travel path, and I know the best places to pick up his trail. Just whisper me in-game and I'll be glad to assist. I wish you all the best of luck. Hawkeye, Champion of Elysium.

Comment by Saruya Picked him up on what I believe to be a server first tame on Kilrogg EU at 2: Tracked him for over an HOUR level 85as the tracks kept disappearing, doubling back on themselves etc. Finally tracked him down outside the Greenmason's location in the north of the zone not far from Dawn's Blossom on the mapand got him tamed without any interference from other players thankfully.

As Mandibles pointed out, the Bloody Tracks at this point in time do still need to be followed counter-intuitively BACKWARDS. Turn ground and environmental clutter down to their minimum settings in order to see the tracks a lot easier. You can spot the tracks from a good distance away, given reduced clutter and visual interference. He CAN be ice trapped, so use that if needed, and remember to glyph Tame Beast for the reduced tame cast!

Why is this being downvoted? It gave some of the earliest, useful information regarding tracking, location and how to spot the tracks? The tracks are now fixed in 5.

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Follow them forwards to track Savage and the other raresnot backwards now! Comment by FIC82 Just wanted to let the Hunters on Grizzly Hills know he was tamed around 5: Confirmed the tracks are backwards. Good luck to all you Hunters out there trying to get this awesome looking cat. Comment by ThreePipes Tamed her on U. Didn't do any other starter quests other than the boat battle at the start.

Parachuted down and headed up to find the tigress. I started in the middle of her path just above the 'D' in Dawn's Blossom and headed east using Camouflage the whole time to avoid all the mobs with Cheetah of course. Picked up her tracks just southeast of the cave above Dawn's Blossom. Tracks very easy to see even from a distance with Ground Clutter on 'fair'. The tracks went nearly all the way to the northeast end of her path ending south of the river south of Sri-La Village. I was suprised they went on so long.

As reported by Mandibles the tracks are still backwards so follow them with the heels pointing toward the kitty. Another surprise was that she didnt stop walking until the taming cast was nearly half done, then she turned and ran at me. For a few secs i was wondering if the taming was actually working even with the little hearts flying all over the place. She is a beautiful puddytat with eyes as blue as a Montana sky.

Comment by Dedztah Just tamed him on Kazzak - EU It took me over an hour to track him. Thanks to Mandibles for the hint about the backwards tracking. It helped me a lot. He does not hit very hard but you can always icetrap him and get the glyph of Tame Beast to help you. A hint to people trying to tame him, lower down your enviromental and ground cluster details to low to help you see the tracks better.

Comment by mjnolan78 Just letting hunters on Aman'thul know that Savage was tamed at I was able to pick up the tracks near the lake to the northwest of Dawn's Blossom. Having already completed a west-east crossing I was on the return leg when I saw a single track. I doubled back and followed these to the east; for the most part I found them difficult to follow especially when Savage crossed a path or through a shaded zoneeven with the ground clutter down low as suggested.

I often had to return to the last Bloody Footprint and re-assess the direction it faced heel first; yes, tracks are still backwards before I could continue. I also found using a map of The Jade Forestwith Savage's known route, extremely helpful in determining which direction the tracks may have turned when I came to a dead end.

I ended up taming him at the eastern limit of his wanderings Cheers and good luck! I know I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Must be servers first. Comment by Caterwaul I saw the bloody tracks. Couldn't see where the next one was What does that mean? Comment by DragonDreamer Just tamed on Fenris Server at 1: Pretty sure server's first tame. Hard to keep track of the "bloody tracks" so definitely turn ground clutter off in graphics settings.

I'm not certain if I was following tracks forward or backwards, I was just running along his path. However, if you are following the tracks and suddenly they stop - use Flare because you might be on top of him. He doesn't appear to automatically unstealth if you are close to him and target macros and tracking Hidden and Beasts doesn't seem to affect him.

You have to use Flare. Comment by mariel Caterwaul: I had the same problem, however by following his path I managed to find the tracks again. Took me over an hour to finally find him at the very northern end of his path, but I did have to find the trail again a few times after the tracks despawned. Also Saruya's tip about turning ground and environmental clutter down worked wonders, thanks for that! Comment by NeinnaWR About 2 hours ago maybe 3? I've been busy hunting, not tracking time someone said they tamed Savage.

I started tracking just to get the hang of the route and after a while, I started seeing tracks backwards, of course and followed them from east of Greenstone to the river with the jade cats, where I lost track for 10 minutes. I went further down the path and saw the tracks were now facing the other way, and tracked him all the way to north of Greenstone, around where I first spotted the tracks. Rare hunting this way actually feels like hunting.

Trying to guess where the beast lurks and setting a flare there, following tracks, just moments behind it. This was far more exciting then getting Loque or Skarr.

EDIT- Christ, some real hunter hate going on here, no comments above 0 points? Comment by PrimePhantom Tamed him today on Guldan about 2: Comment by Kaelthir Just tamed him The tracks still appear backwards as a few others already have mentioned. So if it looks like he went one way then the opposite direction is where he actually went. Found his tracks north of the Arboretum around 57,38 on the tip of the T in The Arboretum that's printed on the map.

Tracked him all the way to the end of his walk path at 54,24 between Emperor's Omen and Sri-La Village where I tamed him. He walks from there, 54,24, all the way down to 37,64 and that road has a lot of turns on it! Found this video with a map in it with his walk path in it, a real life saver if you manage to lose his tracks! Comment by Dra1th81 Just tamed Savage Been a long time since I actually felt like a hunter whilest tracking pets, was great fun!

Comment by Emalaith Just tamed him on Kul Tiras-EU, at around His tracks should still be followed backwards. Comment by jahmighty Hunter Jahwolf has tamed the beast!

Server Firetree I believe around 11am ish. His tracks are reversed so if the front of his paw is facing south, you need to go north and vice versa. Drop a flare just a little ahead of the last bloody track you've seen.

Comment by LameSauce Just Tamed on Nordrassil I didn't realize what I was tracking, but I was bored and started seeing all these tracks on the ground. I followed them around for about 15 minutes and took a break for a while because I wasn't seeing what they were leading to. At this point I got it in my head to look up rares. Bam, turned out I was tracking a rare. Took about another 40 minutes to try and get ahead enough to spam flare.

It was worth the effort. The tracks are still backwards. Thankfully, they point in the direction Savage is going. It works much like archeology.

Shame flare radius isn't larger, I almost missed it because I was off by just tad. Comment by Emalaith Shares the same skin with Summit Prowlers in Kun-lai. Submitted a screenshot of that one. Comment by Alling Just tamed him 5 min ago on Stormrage EU. Kept shooting flare a few yards after each footprint. Ran this way about min after the first, and found him eventually. He's not moving very fast, as he's prowling, so you should be able to get ahead pretty quickly.

Tracks are stil reversed. Comment by Saitemi Tamed at Her tracks were annoying to follow as still counter-intuitively they're backwardsbut it wasn't too awful finding them to the end, especially using the map when I lost them. I eventually caught up to her right at the top of her route, though oddly after flare-ing and Hunters Marking, my Tame Beast didn't aggro her neither did shooting her with an arrow: Eventually she walked out of the range of Tame Beast, so I ran on top of her and repeated the process--luckily even though she didn't want to attack me she seemed to still want to be my pet ; VERY happy to have her be my first MoP pet.

Beautiful cat--now to think of a name! Comment by Balenae Tamed him at 9: Tracks are still backwards, and he seems to walk up and down the forested corridor between Emporer's Omen and the Jade witch. At least that's the only place I've seen tracks. As said by others tracks are difficult to spot, but the easiest place I found to check for them was on the tight strip of land around the lake with the raft, just north east of the Bamboo area Forest Heart.

Comment by Pikachoodle I see hunters camping around his spawn points waiting on NPC scan to go off. He's not stealthed either. He's invisible and you need to flare him. Me being lazy I didn't bother to read this and was running around like a knobber last night mashing a target macro and waiting for NPC scan to go off before I gave up and went to bed. I followed them around for about 15 minutes. He kept going back and forth all the time.

He's quite a fast patroller. I got him walking clockwise around the mountain on the map that's just above the Arboretum. There's an arch around there and I could see by the tracks he was walking towards it so I waited and stuck a flare under it and he showed up a few seconds later.

Doesn't hit hard I'm Good luck with the tamings. Comment by Tigerfurry Caught Savage at I'm confirming that the bloody pawprints ARE STILL BACKWARDS. It was a bit tough, since he doesn't place them down consistently and they could be anywhere from 5 yards to 30 yards from eachother Just a rough estimate.

If and when you DO find the pawprints Remember to follow them in the opposite direction of the pawprintbe sure to use a flare to where you think he might be going next, as he is FULLY invisible, the only way to make him appear being with a flare. His location at the time of taming: Just north of Greenstone Village. Hope all of this helps. I did forget to mention, you should be using the flares once you find the last pawprint that you see around you, especially if you actually see the pawprints appearing infront of you.

Comment by dethravyn Just tamed him on Anvilmar She stealthed agian before I could tame her so I just put out another flare and taming was piece of cake By the way HE IS BEAUTIFUL! Comment by Augustanna It took me about 20 minutes from finding tracks to tame it. As someone already mentioned, it's better to hunt in camouflage, so wandering mobs won't hit You. It's tracks are still working backwards. I used Where the Wild Things Are: Savage Youtube map to find it's route.

Comment by bionicman25 how so you see the tracks i have being looking from Comment by Amfisa Tamed on Echo Isle 5: Comment by Ladihawke73 hi all, saw her at the beginning of her run at the bottom of the map. Ladihawke, 86 night elf hunter.

Comment by elpablo I just tamed him on live, be careful if u looking to track pets, the track are backward so follow the opposite way of the track to find him, hope blizzard fix this soon. Comment by ScarletHyena As of he appears to be on a 1-hour timer and the prints are still pointing backwards. A hunter tamed him while I was looking for him. I came back exactly an hour later and found fresh tracks at the southern spawn point.

I did have one small issue; I could not slap a hunter's mark on him when he was at the edge of the flare, just before going invisible and no longer targeted. So, I'd advise you to be really quick with the mark or you will have to follow his tracks a little further until flare is off cooldown again.

Wasn't a big problem, just annoying. Although Savage is labeled as an elite with a golden dragon nameplate, he does not hit like one. Comment by corhunter I spend less than an hour looking for this rare. There was nobody else at this point tracking him at about 8: Just north of The Arboretums I noticed "bloody tracks" you should absolutely follow the tracks.

They were going in the right direction as to where I found him. Of course when you see the last track, throw a flare a small distance from that track and out pops Savage in Prowl. Awesome looking cat with those cool blue eyes. Comment by StarcallerVoxy Tamed at Key points - You must track the footprints backwards! Apparently these beasts Moonwalk! I stood and watched the footprints appear and waited for the next one, flare, boom. NOT EXOTIC PET - tamed in survival.

Comment by sonicross What you need to know: I marked him today for another hunter to tame and he could not see until he used his flare. So while it is possible for others to see in the flare - marking him doesn't allow others to see! Comment by Takazumi Tamed today on Duskwood at I used the map on the linked video on Petopia - http: He was doubled back and I had two trails of Bloody Footprints to deal with.

Tracks are still backwards. He is not stealthed, you need to use your flare to see him. NPC scan doesn't go off for him. Lower your settings, mainly the ground clutter, to avoid lots of grass obstructing your vision. Comment by SammiLynn82 Tamed on Moonrunner at 4: Comment by Katbalu I just tamed him on Lightbringer at 8 pm realm time.

savage mark 2 parts

Comment by Aladria Just caught Savage on Earthern Ring at The tracks are still backwards when tracking and you can use NPC Scan. Type in the in NPS Scan and if you follow the tracks BACKWARDS it'll go off once you set a flare up at the last bloody track you see.

The tracks look like an outline only. Really easy to tame just used Ice Trap then tame. Found him by the NE spawn point heading back.

Beautiful Cat happy hunting everyone! Comment by Zeroedin I tamed a pet that has the same skin as this Comment by Elfkan just tamed Savage, on Argent Dawn EU. Track the signes, flare, freezing trap and thats it he is mine. Comment by Shiandra 55, 35 28, 67 were the coordinates I found this beautiful cat, good luck guys!

Comment by Avralina Thank you for the advice, it was very helpful! If you go to wow-petopia there is a video there with his path. I paused the vid, followed the path, found the paw prints, popped flare a few times after I ran out of prints and boom, there's Savage. Got him on Hydraxis And yes, follow the tracks backwards. I camoflaged through mobs while tracking. Comment by raisona I just tamed savage on aszune server Europe at 8 am.

It is a nightmare trying to follow the tracks so make sure u have found a map online that you can follow if you lose them! If you use camaflauge it helps as you don't keep getting attacked by mobs. You still have to follow the tracks backwards. Comment by kiwi I tamed him 2 days ago just after launch on Wildhammer EU. The most frustrating part of the tame was having him walk out of the flare zone and disappear again or change direction. Word of advice, as soon as you flare him out, tag him with a shot or else you end up having to follow prints again.

The foot prints stand out very well when ground clutter is turned off, so tracking is pretty easy. I tracked from SHA LA village and tamed him around the lil lake north of Dawns Blossom. Comment by knallen Just tamed Savage at am realm time on moonrunner at the NE spawn point right when he turns around Comment by Kifyi Just tamed him on Shadow Council at 1: Tracks still backwards, and farther apart than I'd imagined. He patrols between the two dots on the map, squiggling everywhere.

Comment by Tigerfurry If anyone on bonechewer needs help catching him, just pst me whenever you want. Tigerfurry Yes, 2 R's. Comment by Taliesen Tamed yesterday on Frostwolf at level The tracks are still backwards as of now, so keep that in mind. Note that he won't appear even if you're standing right on top of him.

You have to use Flare otherwise he won't show up. Track Hidden didn't help. I suspect that he uses invisibility instead of stealth. Make sure you use your flare a little ahead of where he might be so that he walks over it and gives you enough time to mark him. Ice trap wasn't necessary to complete the tame.

He doesn't hit very hard and didn't seem to have any special attacks. As others have said, turning Ground Clutter to Low really helped see the tracks. The tracks are relatively small and look like little piles of raised dirt with paw print indentations in them.

If you mouse over them, the tooltip will say "Bloody Footprint". Comment by Celticmoon Realm: Just tamed this lovely looking cat. I found him where he first spawns in the Northeast, right by the family of red looking raccoon's walking back and forth. I kept my flare up for about an hour and low and behold, he walked right into it.

I marked him, dismissed my current pet The lovely black tigerthen began the tame. He didn't attack me when I started the tame. He just kept walking off rather quickly. So I suggest not messing around with it. You don't want him to get outta range, while you are in mid tame. Comment by merl just tamed it at 4. Comment by Azshalura Hello everyone I was able to tame this lovely tiger on Aggramar at In order to find him you still need to follow the tracks backwards.

The tip mentioned earlier in the posts to turn down the ground clutter helped out alot. I highly suggest doing that since the tracks are not big and can hide in the clutter. I started tracking at point Comment by Dejjavu Hello Fellow Hunters After three days of painful hunting and running in circles. I have finally tamed Savage on Sisters of Elune.

The mobs were a real pain in the ass, i flared him the first time and lost him due to a party invite and huntress attacking me, I feigned death then ran in circles for a bit more. It is confirmed the tracks are still backwards and he reverses and doubles back as well can tell when he does it when the paw prints are toe to toe. I got him between Sir-la Village and The Aborteum, between the mountains he seems to pat and turn alot.

Comment by onether Just tamed him on cenarius at Npc scan will NOT go off if he is near.

savage mark 2 parts

You actually have to do some hunting. No one has said yet but i think if the feet prints are up it means he is up. Comment by Catatonica Just tamed Savage on Bleeding Hollow around 4: The tracks are STILL backwards. I found him right between Sri-La Village and The Arboretum, more north going towards Sri-La Village under one of the hills.

Comment by Bazzmann Decided to try find this awesome cat today, went flying around and found some tracks out near the Jade Witch in Tiger's Wood. Decide to fly to the Destination and End points to try my luck but found nothing. We were to tracks ahead of her at all times popping flares and hoping to catch a glimpse of her but we couldn't find her. We got to 54,28 and popped flares like crazy trying to get her, sadly I had to go afk for a minute or two and the other Hunter found her at the co-ords above and manged to tame her.

Needless to say I was an unhappy bunny, but he was over the moon with his tame. So although I didn't get her this time it was a win for Hunters in general. D Really liking the challenge of these pets and the process involved, it's very exciting while you do it.

So, told my GF all about this and the adventure we had, and she decided to give it a go on Draenor EU on her hunter: D Tamed at Happy GF is Happy! Tried my luck and decided to try the path again to get familiar with it, saw some tracks, and decided to follow, this time the other way. Comment by trixtrem just tamed him on server: Jade forest at emperor's omen.

Tracks are still facing the wrong way, and it was kinda anticlimactic Comment by bionicman25 this is a nice pet but sambas looks beter since sambas is unique,and savage only has different eyes but the same skin like the normal white tigers that can be tamed in pandaria so in my eyes this pet isn't worth the effort.

Comment by Elenwi Just tamed him after finding his tracks around Dawns Blossom at I can confirm at the time of writing this post the tracks are still bugged and you have to follow them backwards. Also as a note, as I was taming him he didn't even attack me and continued to walk away from me. Named him Baihu which in Chinese refers to White Tiger of the West. Comment by PunterHunter Barthilas-US tames at 9: Comment by rowell tamed him 1: Comment by Badbromance I just tamed Savage on the Realm Aries Peak!

His tracks are still backwards but you can tell when your close to taming him! His paw prints appear as he walks so when you see the last paw print wait for one to appear then throw your flare! Comment by Synthis Tamed approx 8: If youre having difficulty finding some, put your ground clutter to Low and it should help show them a bit. I followed the bloody prints still backwards at time of this post and found the last one just north of Arboretum.

Threw the flare ahead of where it was and he appeared, did a quick tame and he became mine. Good luck fellow hunters - its a beauty! Comment by merl Be warned: As soon as you flare him, he's able to be hit by other players.

Keep your eyes peeled! Comment by Huntakilla Tamed him at He is completely invisible so not like a rogue he will appear in stealth. Comment by jackieolivia I tamed him at the coordinates It's a ledge by the waterfall. I camped him there for 20 minutes, but his rounds take more than that so if you plan on camping him, be prepared to wait up to maybe an hour assuming someone else doesn't get him before he gets to you. I also put his id into npc scan, since it won't go off unless you flare him, and it gets your attention.

Comment by Electrazim EDIT: READ SPAWNED THIRTY MINUTES AFTER I TAMED HER. SAME LOCATION near the waterfall Stealthed out as soon as I saw her, found her and gave her to a hunter in the area. Don't know if this will be fixed, but it is rather cool news! Days Taken to Get: Will edit when the tracks are corrected to be forwards. Savage pats from one part of the zone to the other, and will turn around at the end of her trail to treck back to the other part of the zone.

Tracks will also turn and morph together with other tracks. Seems to stay up for around one-hour to two-hours at least three times a week. Tracks can only be found by hunters. You cannot see, or find the pet on any other class.

You will not know she is active unless you are a hunter, and you find a track. Savage currently drops nothing maybe a tooth or clawso if you see her flagged, or hunter's marked and a hunter is taming her. IT IS NO USE TOO KILL HER. SHE DROPS NOTHING IMPORTANT. Savage does not bear a silver dragon around her icon. She appears as a regular gold elite. Comment by Explozion Found him on Icecrown server, 4: I found the tracks at the end of his pathing route near the road leading into Valley of the four Winds, the tracks are to be followed backwards, like everyone says.

I followed them 36, 57, to 36, 64 where he turned around, and his tracks went back north, overlapping some of the old tracks, I popped numerous flares to no avail, until I popped one at the ramp at 35, 58 where he was spotted. I Hunters Marked him for safety, then tamed. Comment by PunterHunter this Elite Hunters pet is deathly hard to kill as it will patrol through hostile mobs. Savage drops no sum of gold, and no Leet items to speak of he will only drop Crystalline Tear of Loyalty that's it hardly worth the amount of work it'd take to buying at&t stock it, not to mention that it would hardly cover your repair bill if you tried.

Comment by Shazzijay Sup, Just tamed this beautiful savage kitty on Defias Brotherhood at D at the forex institute in south africa co-ordinates Took me about 20 mins to find it Btw it's just one paw print then about a few steps ahead there is another one, sometimes you have to move a little more further forward to see if anymore has cropped up When Savage appears, make sure you mark it.

Plus it's health bar was grey like it had already been targeted. Hope that was usefull to all hunters. Good luck on finding savage! Comment by hruelas Tamed today at This was shortly bollinger on bollinger bands review the server restart.

Comment by Tatem I found a set of tracks next to the forex fx flash about 25 minutes after a server reset.

Started following them, they disappeared, a new set spawned about yards away. Followed those, they despawned, a new set appeared elsewhere. Then they stared disappearing after than I could follow them. I wasted almost an hour flowing tracks that kept disappearing. I didn't get him: Comment by Karthwyn Tamed on shandris at Very simple tame once you find him. Ice trap works, although if your flare goes out and you don't have him marked, he'll disappear again.

About gave me a heart attack because i thought he despawned for a brief moment. Followed his tracks for about 15 minutes, and picked up the first one around 53,32, following them backwards around the mount just north of the Arboretum and back up towards the Emperor's Omen.

Good luck to those looking for him! Beautiful blue eyed cat! Comment by Odaxis Just tamed him on the Thrall Trading in the global currency markets cornelius luca pdf PVE East coast realm Got him a little above the D in Dawns Blossom.

Comment by Spac3Rat I must say it's really a very interesting and much more fun to get your pets. The hunt is absolutely amazing. I just tamed it but I was very surprised to see that he did not attack me at all. I was even affraid that there was some bug that prevented me getting him but all went well. Comment by dantebenuto Tamed on Hellscream US, Went there to check it out on a whim, lo and behold, tracks.

D The tracks were backwards for me, but since I knew this it was easy to follow them Spawned for me just above the "D" in Dawn's Blossom on the map.

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Comment by Nawah I made this macro for tomtom waypoints. It may not be exact but it mcq questions on computer networks with answers pdf close to the route. Comment by Suuckamedrya I tamed him by flying over the lake with my leading fx companies zoomed all the way in so my mount wasn't in the way of my view of the ground, I then aimed my camera at coords 46,36 so I had a perfect view of the area, I about had a panic attack when the first footprint popped up on my screen.

He was decently easy to track once I calmed down. I was waiting for about 30 minutes, so I'm guessing I must have JUST missed him when I got myself in place to camp meaning it takes him at least 30 minutes to path all the way around For anyone interested I tamed him at 8: Comment by Cireladnomar Tamed him 5: Tracks are Still Backwards. Definitely lowering the Environmental Detail and Ground Clutter helped nintendogs plus cats how to get money see the Bloody Tracks a lot better.

The Tracks are sometimes more spaced out, I've seen some that were very close to each other as well. The key is to pop your Flare In-front of the Tracks, I was dropping them right on the track then all I saw was his backside and he eventually dissappeared. I didn't need to use my Freezing Trap at all and just tamed him straight away, he did attack me but not enough to interrupt my casting.

Good Luck Fellow Hunters, he's a Beautiful Tiger! Comment by MegasAxelias Just tamed at 8: After finding his tracks multiple times i finally picked up his bloody tracks again next to the Reducing ground clutter really does help. However, I found out the hard way that freezing forex 123 strategy despawn Savage. So don't use it. I did out of bad habit what can I say.

If for some reason you do the same just wait there and he'll respawn after about a minute in the same spawn. Tracks are still appearing backwards so track backwards. When you get to the last track and you don't see anymore flare about 10 yards ahead in the same direction.

If you miss like someone else suggested hit readiness and flare again. Comment by heliconius For those who ahmad sulaiman forex that Savage is visible at first place and you can tag it while passing by like ihforex mobile You are doing it wrong, because Savage is invisible!

Only flare reveals it to the eye, and you cannot track or see it in ghost form as soon as it walks out of flare range. I needed to write this comment, because no information source states this fact as clear as it should be, including the previous comments in this page.

Comment by KatherlaHunter Just tamed him on Skywall, the footprints are still backwards. Hope they get around to fixing that. Comment by vampirechickk It took me an hour to catch him. I kept missing him. I'd find the tracks but some are hard to see and the way points are not always exact.

Easy tame after you finally find him. Tracks are facing the opposite direction that he travels. Shoot Flare ahead of the last track you see in that same backwards direction you were following. No one but hunters can see the tracks and you cannot see Savage without the Flare.

Use Hunters Mark or Tame him ASAP before he walks out of the flare and disappears again. I had to add his NPC ID into NPC Scan because the update didn't have him. It really helped me sadly I didn't use that till the last 5 mins Helpful Addons for any Hunter: NPC Scan Rare Finder NPC Overlay Rare Paths on Map Silver Dragon Another Rare Finder TomTom way points for macros Nawah gave these Can fit in one Macro: Comment by Honeywell Found him the equity risk premium on the swedish stock market Comment by Megamidawl Just got him this morning 7: Followed the tracks from Dawn's blossom all the way to the edge of the cliff towards Valley of the Four Winds.

Followed the tracks backwards. There were times that I lost the tracks they despawn if you are far away from him the closer you are the longer the tracks last. I just kept walking away from the track I had last seen and eventually I would find another and then another and when I found them in a line without despawning I knew I was close. My flare caught him just as he was turning to walk back the other direction, easy tame up broker forex option binaire régulé the edge of the cliff no attack.

Comment by Bladeslicer24 Tamed on Terrokar US realm at As noted in many previous posts his tracks do point the opposite way. Started at noon by serpents overlook and finally started seeing paw prints appearing in front of me just north of Shrine of the dawn, Easy tame even lvl Credit to Takazumi for this video as it helped A LOT! Comment by Vikngsfn just tamed him on anetheron sever no fight binary options simply all i will confirm tracks are still backwards i placed a flare the used an ice trape easyiest tame in a longtime gl hunters.

Comment by Rahharak Tamed on Stormrage US at around 3: There is a map from wow-petopia that will help set your course. All I did was follow the route, with low settings on ground clutter, until I stumbled upon the tracks. The tracks are STILL BACKWARD. It is counter-intuitive, but the other comments are not yet out of date on that. There will come a point where you will find yourself almost in front of the tracks, start using flare there.

Make sure to mark if she appears in the flare, otherwise she will go invisible again. No challenge on tame and I imagine most hunters do not yet know about this system. Even on Stormrage I had absolutely no competition. Comment by Wolfred11 I just did tame Savage,followed the tracks backwards. However I was told that the hedging strategies forex profit do vanish once he is claimed.

Not here I tamed him,named him and his tracks are still there. I did think this would be somethin to share. Comment by ZiraScar98 All these comments are on "I just tamed governing authority for stock brokers on blah at blah. If so, what's he drop? Comment by heliconius Savage is i n v i s i b l e You only have a few seconds to do hmrc european vat rates before he dissapears, so don't waste your cd on Hunter's Mark, speed pot, ice trap, etc.

Start the taming rightaway, since it has no OP abilities or tricks like the Firelands rares. Comment by Cordessa Just tamed this beauty at Followed his tracks all down from Dawn's Blossom, till the end of his tracks near Emporer's Omen.

I had already patrolled the path once, without any luck, and just went to track it again backwards with no pause, and there they were. The first "Bloody track" was quite hard to see, and I started tracking them backwards. They were VERY far apart, and even with ground graphics on low, they are still hard to spot on dark surfaces. They do however have a "Npc name" so if you hover your mouse over them the text "Bloody tracks" will appear, so you can't confuse them with anything else.

When I came close enough I saw the tracks spawn directly infront of me and threw a flare, it revealed Savage, and I froze him. He was so close to the edge of the flare, that he did disappear, even with the trap around him - when the flares Open price strategy forex was up I threw another one and there he was, still inside my trap ready to be tamed.

If you get him trapped, the tracks will keep spawning the same spot. I must say it was a very interesting and thrilling hunt. Some of the mobs you encounter along your way is quite annoying though, like Bamboo Python, Jade Guardian and the various types of other cats, and I think they could be quite a problem if you wanna follow the technocash stock market as level I did it as level 89 and still got into some unwanted combats.

But a really nice and different hunt, good luck out there: Comment by Elssa26 Found the tracks the towards the beginning, about in the middle of the tracking process. I left my hunter at the end of the tracking trail last night before heading off to bed. So I did the opposite of what every one says. I tracked Savage the why the foot prints went. I found the tracks near Emperor's Omen and the tracks where still backwards.

I believe Blizzard wants it this way to fool the tracker, good going Blizzard. So anyways Paper trading for stocks flared every few feet, since I am a level 90 I had no trouble with the investment in real estate in india by nri. I lost the tracks so I went the way that Petopia video show me to do.

So I kept going to the end, I had trouble here on which side of the mountain to go on, so I studied the map that was provided in the video. I just started flaring in different directions to brighten up the area.

After about 2 to 4 minutes after I started flaring, there "Savage" was headed right for me. I found Savage on Arathor, 9: Good Luck to all you other hunters who are in search of "Savage. Verified that the tracks are still backwards. Hit me twice for about 15k each before tame completed. I'm using the glyph to shorten the cast time of Tame Beast.

Attaching picture showing his orientation to paw print just after I tamed him. Totally worth the driving myself insane for it. Comment by Chakote Cha here, Just tamed maplestory best way to make mesos 2016 beautiful killer.

The tracks are still backward. For those who may not have understood, you don't have to keep looking for more tracks, if you are at the last one you can see for 40 yards or so, start throwing flares all over the place.

Some say it takes 30 minutes but he showed up about 10 minutes after I found my last track. It was maybe 30 yards southeast of the Jade Witch's house.

I picked up the tracks about half way through the stated route so you don't have to follow the tracks from end to end. Comment by kayzer23 Just tamed this awesome cat. The tracks are hard to see at first since you don't know exactly what your looking for.

After you find your first print it is pretty simple. Confirmed the prints are still backwards. Flare about 15 yards of the last track you see. Pretty cat, love the eyes. Comment by xSaix I thought that he had the same skin as the other white cats in Mists of Pandaria such as Forex trading without software download etoromore of a gray than white, but this guy is a much more stunning white, trust me.

His eyes are also a very lovely deeper blue in comparison, and lack pupils. As of today, the tracks still face backwards. It's worth noting that he paths the entire map, and doesn't just stay in one area.

Also don't strictly follow the coords on the map above, because he wandered far outside of them when I caught him. The paw prints get thicker the closer you are to him, so flare a couple yards ahead when you stop seeing any paw prints in forex robotron of you. I recommend turning down ground clutter to find his tracks easier, and once you do draw him out of hiding, be sure to hit him with hunter's mark, so you'll see him even when he restealths, which he is quick to do even with flare.

Be sure to tag him with an attack as well, since for some reason when I hit tame beast, he kept walking away rather than attacking, and broke the tame! Happy hunting, and remember that nobody else besides hunters can see the tracks. If someone's following you, they probably intend to grief you once you find him, like they did me.

Just fly away and return once they're gone. Comment by Lunyra Just tamed on Silvermoon-EU 37,45 Tracks are still followed backwards. Comment by Combatnurse Finally got him last night on my hunter!

Turning your ground currency exchange rate pakistan open market to low REALLY makes a HUGE difference on being able to see how can i make money selling stuff on ebay tracks.

I actually wonder if they did that on purpose to make it a little trickier at the money european put option in-the-money theta tame. It is open game once you flare him. Some of these comments seem misleading in suggesting you have nothing to worry about, or some sounded like you'll only see him if YOU flare him and he won't be visible to anyone else.

If anyone is confused this is not true. My friend who got him earlier was helping me track him last night. We were in party, and both of us could see him and it didn't matter who's flare it was. Unfortunately, other people can see him too, whether they're in group or not, as after I'd eventually found Savage another hunter was able to tame him right out from under free forex demo contests. Both of forex trading medical hunters were The hunt itself was actually pretty thrilling.

We tracked him for I don't know how long both of us this first time had our ground clutter on the highest setting, so it was quite difficult to follow.

Some time later we come across his tracks again! This time I'd seen the tip about turning the ground clutter to low btw I can't stress enough how big of a difference it makes in seeing the tracks. We finally get to the end of the tracks, I threw out a flare and there he was! Unfortunately, something was bugged and it was saying I had a pet out when I didn't, and by the time that was sorted out which was only the matter of a second or twothe level 90 flies in and steals my tame.

Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm too nice, but if myself and someone else were tracking a pet and the other person managed to find it before me, I'd admit defeat that time and let them have it and try again later. After that second huge disappointment, and venting to a friend of mine who was guildies with the hunter that stole Savage from under me, I was riding around in my friend's chopper who was helping me track her all this forex trading simulator software and we came across new tracks!

Followed Savage up the mountain north of the Arboretum and got him! Now I just need to think of a really good name. Comment by wheels tracks are still backward, just follow them backwards and use flare when how to make a fake cash register receipt tracks stop. Comment by cathline Server: End of path at turn around point by valley of the four winds I found his tracks at the start of his path all savage mark 2 parts way over by Emperor's Omen.

I knew from the petopia youtube videos to track him backwards from the way the prints were going. I and 3 other hunters tracked him his whole path. Even with my ground clutter turned to low I still lost his tracks a couple of times.

If you lose his tracks stop and look around, they appeared to be a consistant distance apart. So that should help re-find the tracks. Being a lvl 85 I also aggrod everything around while trying to do this. I actually thought the lvl 90 worgen that was tracking him had maybe flown ahead and gotten him the one time after I lost his binary options trading strategies discussion for a good 5 minutes or so or so it seemed like.

I was close to the end of his path so I waited to see if anymore prints appeared when suddenly they did. I knew I had two sets of tracks because the toes components of stock market in indian rupee going different directions. Earnin and burnin snappin necks and cashin checks almost passed out.

I set a flair a little ahead of a new track and saw him. My hands were shaking so bad I missed my tame button and had to set a couple more flares to refind him. I hunter marked him and hit tame. I was actually worried about if I us senior pga championship 2016 prize money get him or not because his name was grayed out like he had been tagged by someone else.

I was incredibly happy when the tame completed and I actually had him. Comment by KyreanNightblood Tamed at I saw his tracks last night, but I failed to be able to follow them. I found them again this morning, 12 hours after I had spotted the tracks the night before.

I cannot stress this enough- turn ground clutter to low! You have to be really quick to get him. I had to track him half of his path, and I must have put down 50 flares. He doubles back a few times, and at those places a few tracks overlap. That's the easiest place to find him with flare.

Watch the tracks, and put down a flare in front of a new one as soon as it appears. Put it down a few paces ahead. It takes a few seconds for him to become visible, and when he does he will be at the very edge of your flare. Put Hunter's Mark on him, and he won't disappear again. Then just start the tame. He didn't attack me, even as I was taming, so you don't need to freeze him or anything- just tame. Comment by rapperman Went looking for him tonight with my level 85 NE Hunter on Ysera.

Located him within a half hour and in my excitement abandoned my Sambas instead of dismissing him. Not a good start: During the next half hour I was hot on his tail when a worgen bill johnson options trading noticed me trying to track him and started riding my coattails.

I dismissed my pet and fired a flare about 20 yards ahead of the last noticeable bloody print and Savage appeared just for a moment. Just as I was getting ready to cast my tame I was attacked by two Jade Guardians.

The worgen hunter came within 5 feet of me, stopped briefly and then continued on leaving me to fight without the help of my pet. Needless to say it didn't end up well. My spawn point was far enough away that I was certain fast payday loans australia no credit check by the time I reclaimed my body I would have seen the worgen with Savage by his side, but apparently the knucklehead didn't have the skill to track on his own and gave up shortly after my return.

Still I counted that as strike two! Found him again about a half hour later after he walked right over me near the river crossing. He appears to move back and forth briefly in certain areas. It's possible that it occurs when other beasts are in his predefined path. In any case I tracked him all the way how to buy stocks without a broker online the river to the Greenstone Village before I was able to attempt the tame due to NPC interruptions.

I fired a flare revealing Savage about 40 yards in the distance, ran forward a bit to get him within the range of my cast and began the tame. Savage turned and ran at me getting all of one swipe at me before the tame completed and I clocked him as mine at approximately Savage was a definite challenge and the hunt for this beast definitely leaves you with the impression get money for recycling ink cartridges you are truly hunting a quarry rather than happening upon them purely by chance.

He's a beautiful pet, but I'm off to the Twilight Highlands to reclaim my lost Sambas. Comment by Bastdan Tamed on Feathermoon around 3: The hints here are a real life-saver. Savage is Stealthed and you need to use a flare to find him.

I found that I had to use multiple flares, as he keeps walking, he doesn't stop and wait for you to catch up. Also a side note, NPC scan will not go off till he is visible. Comment by bruenir I have not had any competition yet on Lothar-US for any of the "hunter only" pets. I've certainly seen others with some of the rares - Quilen seem to be pretty popular I've got two colors myself.

Still, I am not following tracks and coming across other hunters, and just now approximately 5PM EST I got Savage, and again, there was no one anywhere near, hunter or otherwise. It took me about 15 minutes of track following until I was certain I was going in the right direction, then I got a good bit ahead and flared a few times till Savage strolled in. I put Hunter's mark on her, and then tamed. Comment by Krystique Hey all, Rez is back.

So, just caught this guy on Hyjal literally five minutes ago. MAKE SURE your pet is away-don't be dumb like I was with Humar and just let your active pet hang out with you. At about 54, basics of stock market ebook near the path, if you look north, you can see the kitty coming or going pretty easily.

Overall, not a hard tame. I like the print thing that Blizz came up with this forex learn the core of price action trading pdf to help with not killing the rares by random people and them separating them from the rest of the rares unlike they did in WotLK.

Either way, good luck hunting guys, hope this helps you all out with catching him yourself! Comment by DesertRyda07 Caught him today on Bonechewer server at about 5pm abound the beginning of his path 37 NPC scan does not work on him just FYI.

Comment by Babyboo21 Got my kitty tonight at 7: Tracks are still backwards and some even face each other. Was an easy catch.

Comment by ziggythebush Tamed this beauty some days ago. Tracks are indeed backwards. Took me some time to track him because at some point the tracks disseapeared right in front of me. But it was worth the search. Got a very nice rare to add to my collecton: Comment by Caiti Can anyone help me with taming this guy on realm Eitrigg? Comment by Tonybelic Just tamed him on Lightbringer US at Looked around for about an hour then spent about 30 mins following his tracks until I saw a track spawn shot a flare and boom there he was.

Love my new tiger MauiWowie! Comment by Eelang woot! Comment by Raivyn79 Why is it that so many comments with useful info are being voted down? I notice this on any page for hunter pets.

Just because you're jealous that someone else finally managed to tame what you've yet to find, that doesn't mean you need to go to every damn pet page and downvote everyone.

Thank you to all the helpful posters. Just know some of us do appreciate you. Comment by Zallectra83 Just tamed him at 3: I did one full lap of his route following the spawn points above and had started to double back when they started to appear right in front of me. Then all I had to do was get ahead of him with a Flare and there he was, I nearly panicked and hit wrong buttons but hit Tame Beast and he was mine, in my panic I didn't even use my Hunter's Mark lol. No Traps, I do have the Tame Beast Glyph active so not sure really how much difference that would make to it.

I HIGHLY recommend that anyone hunting these MoP rare pets turn their Ground Clutter down to Low setting, makes a huge difference in trying to see the tracks especially with ones like Patrannache who I tamed a few hours ago, tiny little tracks for her!

Oh, and can confirm that as of today, tracks are STILL backwards. Best of luck and happy hunting everyone, hope this helps a bit. Zallectra lvl 87 Blood Elf Hunter. Comment by Kemaria There are nine trackable rare elite hunter pets in Pandaria which are found by following their footprints and using flares to pull them out of stealth. Comment by Alcion An easy method to make sure you stay on track is to use the TomTom addon with waypoints added.

I've tracked him through all of his pat and tried to mark all of the locations of his tracks. A few of these waypoints live exchange rates indian rupees extra such as when he turns he often turns right after dropping a track which can be misleading.

To use these just copy and paste these into wow after installing TomTom and follow the path. Comment by Raivyn79 TL;DR -- 3. As for the rest of my post, I recommend you read it, especially any non-Hunters. My boyfriend tamed him. I am a mage. So you might wonder why I'm posting anything more than coords and a time. Well, I have some news for you all. Two things happened while I was jogging around uselessly after my boyfriend that may come in handy: We would get to a point where we couldn't find more tracks and were next to the last one we saw, and I would lag briefly.

I never lag, certainly not while standing still, but I ignored it and went about my business. Finally we decided eff it and went to the southern end of his patrol path and waited. I began to lag again, and not a second later my bf said he saw a track a few yards away from me. Despite frenzied flare dropping Savage still eluded us, so we flew up to the bridge spot where we knew he'd cross and we waited.

Being a smart lady, I had a hunch that I'd be lagging again shortly. Sure enough, while standing there doing nothing but admiring the flora, I began to lag. I immediately told my bf to drop flare right in front of me and he did so Naturally, it was right then that Savage and his giant arse came into view exactly in the center of the flare strolling leisurely, I might add.

I saw him for about 3 seconds and started yelling like a spaz for my bf to turn around and mark. So he whips around and marks him, Savage phased out again for meand a few seconds later he phased back into view, all tamed and shrinky dinked. No, there were no mobs near me capable of stealthing, so unless it was an actual player it was probably Savage. I guess I got lucky and the phasing was wonky for a second or something. I'm not certain of course, but it seems too well timed to be a coincidence.

It happened too many times and, in the end, is the reason we were able to catch him. I guess the phasing is a bit glitchy, who knows. Anyhow, I'm not saying this scenario will assuredly happen for every non-Hunter, but if you want to go along with your Hunter friend and try to help, you may not be useless after all: Comment by jaedia Tamed him at He completely ignored my trap when I popped it down so make sure you're nearby when you start taming. He didn't try to attack me at all so it was a very easy tame once I'd found him.

As for the tracks, still need to follow them backwards and they kept disappearing on me. Comment by dalynn09 Just tamed him 8: You still have to follow his tracks backwards you do not need traps since money off jones the bootmakers does not fight the tame but make sure you are close as he continues to walk during it.

Comment by Sarantha Hate to post another useless "I tamed her xx" but I tamed her around 3pm on Runetotem near the Jade Witch Lair. A track had JUST spawned and I immediately dropped a flare and there she was.

Savage was almost out of the flare by the time I got over my shock and started taming her. She aggro'd me as soon as I started the tame, luckily, and ran back into the flare. She is a gorgeous cat. No other cat compares. I love her blue, blue eyes. She will stay with me forever. Now to hunt the other rares. None are quite so lovely as she is though. Comment by elementxstyle Confirmed tame 48, 29 - Spirestone 1: The Bloody Tracks are always about several feet away from each other, if they have stopped you are close.

Keep your eyes on the direction of the last print and watch. When the next one appears flare on that position a little ahead of it in the direction it's facing backwards. I was a bit confused when I couldn't find him even if the tracks stopped. But I started seeing tracks appear in real time which led me to believe he right there making them and poof, flared him out.

Good luck to all hunters!

savage mark 2 parts

Comment by kezzi Took the advice and went to the little lake with the tiger cubs. P So i went back to the lake. Then caught this beauty at Comment by Rouzen Just so other hunters players know Savage's tracks can only be seen by hunters. Also he is invisible, so you could be right on top of him and not even know he is there. He moves along at a decent pace for an invisible cat so don't be afraid to throw out flares frivolously. I tracked him down with the help of a druid. I would follow the tracks and determine the direction Savage was headed and my druid friend would hover over the last track I saw so that I wouldn't lose my place.

When I initially found him, I began taming but Savage continued walking unlike most pets that aggro onto you. I had to flare him several times and actually shoot him to get his attention, so when you see him fire a shot at him, or as an earlier hunter suggested mark him with a hunter's mark to keep him from disappearing on you. My advice, pay attention to the tracks. You really have to be looking for the trail or lack there of to know if you're close.

Some of the tracks are indeed hard to spot, they are not in a straight line, and are fairly spaced out. In my opinion when in doubt toss a flare of two until you find another track. NPC scan at least the current version will not go off for him at all, invisible or otherwise at least mine didn't before i found him and after he became visible and I did not have him cached so do not rely on the add on as your main strategy to catching him or tracking him down because it will not work.

Happy hunting to all my fellow hunters out there, i hope my information is helpful and will lead to many a happy tame of this unique pet. Comment by Muireanne Tamed him today, managed to catch him where he turned around at the waterfall. Pawprints are still going backwards, so go in the opposite direction. Also, what you're looking for is "Bloody Tracks". Comment by Cravity Hey fellow hunters! After off and on again 5 day of tracking Savage. I finally tamed him. Note the tracks are still backwards when you track him.

It was around Dawns Blossom area I was just walking around like I usually do when looking for his tracks. I saw some and I flared them and nothing. So I kept looking for more I found them flared again and BOOM there he was so I marked him with the hunters mark, then hit my tame and he walked away and out of the tame.

SO I followed him hit tame again and Finally I got him. I named him "Jim" I have a close friend that I love dearly named Jim. So I thought that would be a great name for a rare and great Tiger It was about I am on Terenas Realm. Talk about one happy hunter. OH YEAH that would be me. Good luck to all you that want to tame him. He really is a beautiful Cat. Cravity 87 Night Elf Beast Mastery Hunter. Comment by Cambogian Got him tonight on my hunter, Ayasha, on the Scryers right aroud Tracks are still backwards will they ever fix that?

Comment by EarthToMe Caught this guy at about 8: His tag was gray and I didn't think I would be able to get him since he wasn't responding to a concussive shot or other attacks to draw his attention, but I threw a tame out there anyway and there I had him: And yes, the tracks are still backwards.

I was able to get to the head of the trail mostly by following the path above when i lost the old tracks. Then he doubled back and i started seeing tracks appear rather than disappear. Tossed out Flare at its max range ahead of the latest track and he appeared. I made sure to Hunter's Mark him so I wouldn't lose sight of him. Comment by Mpiece Just tamed him today, after reading other peoples post I also agree that it is a MUST to lower you ground setting after doing so it took me about 10 minutes to find the prints on the ground then maybe another 3 minutes to find this sneaky guy.

He was tamed today on Cenarion Circle at 9: Happy hunting all Good luck. Comment by Spankypants Just tamed this little beasty at 55,28 Had come across his tracks roughly halfway along his path the little lake just northwest of Dawn's Blossom and went the direction they were facing before they disappeared.

Ended up backtracking upon myself until eventually I picked up the tracks again and started following them. Went a further 10 or so yards from the last one I saw in the new area and got attacked by an orange kitty, whilst fighting that I figured I may as well pop flare and 'see', and Savage was right there then pounced on me! Killed random kitty and tamed Savage. Comment by Vadel was changing locales fishing for jade lung fish when i noticed the first track lost track of him about three times and had to trace his path out to find more tracks.

Comment by jaec Yup, Just tamed him at 5: Comment by WesleyMirage Please Note! This is NOT your standard white tiger, I went after him as an afterthought for not finding Glimmer, and I'm glad I did!

He is super detailed and has a different, almost thunderbolt pattern in his fur. Comment by Pytheas Didn't read all the posts so please pardon if a repeat. Appears to share a skin with the Windward Saber on Windward Isle and the Dread Matriarch in Dread Wastes. My main hunter prefers to hunt the rares for taming but if you want the model without the thrill of the hunt then perhaps one of these is an option for you.

Good luck and good hunting. Comment by mascaramassacre went from one side to the other side tracking all hes prints Comment by Aprilnicoleperez Found Savage three times in the span of three hours. First hour I was fishing while a hunter behind me was flaring near the river.

Figured he was looking for Savage so I stayed to observe. I started talking to the hunter asking him questions about Savage, since I really didn't know much about him.

He told me the spawn time was 2 hours so to flare the river in two hours. He said good luck and left. As I waited I got my fishing up. At the hour mark I found him! But I'm a noob and I wasnt good at flaring, so I ended up losing him: But its okay because I went back to the river and started flaring again hoping to get him when he came back.

Luck was on my side because an hour later there he was again walking right towards me. Absolutely love this cat! I recommend flaring around the river, it seems easier too me. Comment by LtSparklies Just tamed him at His tracks are still backwards, so go the opposite way they're facing, and the best way to see them is to turn ground clutter down low, as others have stated. Good luck, he's gorgeous: Comment by Fleurdelis I just want to say that I think this is one of the best ideas Blizzard has ever come up with.

Pets that we actually have to TRACK we're hunters, after allthat wandering nut cases can't kill out from under us, that are elite but not so rare that we have to camp them for weeks on end, that are beautiful and fun - in short, a gift just for us hunters, if we're willing to do a tiny bit of work. I had so much fun tracking Savage and then catching him with the flare, and he's so beautiful, it just made my day.

It's also nice to have some goals besides killing for gear and loot. So - just want to iterate a few things: If you lose his tracks, KEEP LOOKING!

He could still be up. I lost his trail a couple of times but kept looking and in a few minutes found the tracks again a middling distance away "middling", for you city folk, means "not too far and not too near", just in the middle of those two. As far as I could tell, he pads all over the place. You can easily see the tracks form and know just where to aim your flare once you get to the end of the trail. Hitting him with hunters mark the second you see him is a really good idea; he doesn't seem to be moving that fast but it's amazing how quickly he can disappear on you.

Tagging him - maybe not a good idea if you've not dismissed your pet. You can't tame him while he's in combat with your pet and, even if your pet is on passive, it's best to not get into a battle.

Eastern Standard Time today, the tracks are still backwards. For some reason, I had trouble dismissing my current pet; had to try several times before he went. Might be a good idea to use a trash pet that you can abandon in case this was a glitch. Savage does not hit hard enough to worry about.

It's the other mobs that might be troublesome; for 85s they can be very aggressive and there seems to be hundreds all congregated around the place you want to be. Distract to your pet another reason to have a trash pet and run, preferably not into another mob. This is where having a partner can help the most and if they're higher level, even better. Sic the mobs on your friend and run. This is a wonderful, beautiful pet, especially if you're fond of the cats which I am.

The tracking sounds much harder than it is and with the short spawn time you don't have to camp or race other hunters to get him. And best of all, no non-hunter is going to kill him before you find him! Comment by Mysticmoon Just tamed her near the Arboretum side with the shrine's. Tracked the backward's tracks for maybe 20 minutes, waited til I got to the last one and shot up my flare, she showed up right away.

One happy hunter tonight. Having the graphic's set to low helped a ton for spotting track's Good luck everyone! Comment by Abira Thanks everyone for all the helpful information on finding this beautiful creature. It st on Rexxar that I tamed him.

I followed his paths up and down for about 2 hours just trying to track him. Camouflage is awesome for when you are around the jade witch's lair due to the mass volume of jade guardians. I tamed him at the coordinates 54, 23 on the ledge by the waterfall near Sri-La Village. Comment by Faine Just tamed him at 5: It took me about a solid hour to find his tracks, as they were not showing up even though I flew the path about times back and forth.

Once I found them, it took me about minutes to actually find and tame him. Tracks are still backwards, which makes it somewhat confusing to track him and I lost his tracks once since they tend to blend in with the ground.

Jade guardians also seemed adverse to me taming him as they always picked to attack me as I was throwing a flare down. Thanks to all the guides and helpful comments, I would've been completely lost without them! Comment by Stryyke Tamed Savage about an hour ago on Antonidas server, Like everyone says, you follow his bloody prints; backwards. I found some fresh looking ones in the area where the Forest Huntress's and porcupines are. Its the most northeast area of the map, below the Sri-La Village.

When the tracks stopped, I dismissed my pet and set off a flair and Savage was right in front of me.

Savage - NPC - World of Warcraft

Being a lvl 88 and him a lvl 85, I guess that's why he didn't jump me. You have to mark him fast. NPC Scanner won't pick him up while he's stealthed, which seems to be all the time. Once he's hunter marked, do your tame. He's a real beauty. Comment by Ooppa I can confirm that the tracks are pointing the wrong way.

They still point to the opposite way. Just to be sure. Check 2 marks and see which one will dissappear first. Tamed Savage today 5 minutes ago. Comment by Sraenn just tamed at around 1: Comment by kixaplix got savage pm c aygos server note he and glimmer r out at the same time good hunting.

Comment by ixyavi Tamed him at 5529 on Kael'Thas this morning. He was frustrating to follow around and his tracks are indeed very easy to lose. I just have to say that the challenge of tracking and taming was refreshing, true to the Hunter's name and a much better way to spend time than camping spawn points for days on end. Comment by Faolwyn Just tamed this beauty on Uldaman at Co-ordinates 46,37 in Forest Heart.

What a gorgeous creature. Tracks were a little hard to follow and run backwards to direction of travel which has been noted already of course. Ended up backtacking quite a bit and all told, I followed the trail for about 20 min. Comment by Gherg Tamed at 1: Track prints are still facing the opposite direction of travel.

He leaves behind at least 6 track marks. Not visible or stealthed. Must be "flared" to be seen Yay. Prowls at just about walking speed. May double-back at times, watch for double prints. You can tame nice and close, he won't "aggro" and start attacking. Use a way point add-on I used TomTom with the above posted way points typed into a macro as reference points. Don't go around on a mount looking for marks. They are not easy to see, even with all the "optimal" settings.

Camo, and cheetah aspect. If you see one of the "bloody tracks" disappear, head the opposite direction. Slow down and look around for the next one; it will be visible, even up to four tracks at some points. Toss the flare, and MARK as soon as he's found. Comment by cpl Tame at Actually spotted him 3 other times before taming him and aggro'd Jade Cats and lost him each time.

I found an area where he crossed a road Good Luck and Happy Hunting. One thing to note about them; The tracks are level even when the ground is not, so they may be partially below the surface depending on which way the terrain tilts. They're dark red, and for those of us with colorblindness, a little difficult to see in spots, but once you know what they look like you can pretty well keep track of them.

The tracks appear about 20 yards apart estimate; I didn't measure directly and meander a bit. Not sure how quickly they appear and disappear; someone said there are six tracks total, but for the speed he was moving slow walk and how far back I was when I found the first one that may be a little short. Alcion's list of waypoints was helpful, but needed to be broken up into sets of six to fit into a macro.

I either missed him with the trap, or he ghosted right past it. It didn't go off or disappear, it was just sitting there. She doesn't aggro when you start taming, so it doesn't matter much; get right up on top or a little in front of her so she doesn't walk out of range on you as she did me the first try. As Rouzen said, NPCScan and Silverdragon do NOT alarm on him, visible or not. If you want to see something weird, click on 'view in 3d' at the top, let it load, then choose 'emotework'.

Savage turns into an eldritch abomination if you ask her to work And turns inside out with run and walk Comment by Xitfihs Just found him on Aszune After travel around for about 30 minutes following tracks losing the trail several times too I found him directly south of Sri-La Village.

Don't give up hope. Just keep following the tracks and referring to the map above. You'll find him eventually. Good Luck my fellow Hunters: Found my first bloody track and followed them backwards from there. Started just north of the Arboretum and went west from there. Lost the trail a few times but I think it's because I actually got ahead of him at one point.

Back-tracked a few print and picked up where I left off. Once I felt I was just ahead of the last paw print I threw up a flare and sure enough, Savage appeared a few seconds later at the above position.

I have never felt more like a hunter than I did looking for this cat. Great tame and thanks everyone who posted before me for all the helpful hints. Comment by Drakunya Thank you for Help. Got The Beast at the first try after finding is Track: And its being updated Tracks are know in the direction Savage walks. Comment by Aargal just tamed him on Earthen Ring EU. Again, like everyone else says, his paw prints are backwards! You have to go backwards, in the opposite direction the paws face.

People on my server were trying to tell me it was corrected, I can confirm it is NOT fixed yet. Was a very fun trip trying to pin down where he was, took over two hours of tracking, passing and back tracking to finally get him.

Comment by slowride5 I just got him at 54, I was tracking him for about an hour backwards of coursewhen I noticed that a track literally appeared in front of me You have to shoot him instantly to keep him visible, but he ignores your attacks and keeps walking. Just tap tame and win: Comment by dynomosity Hey guys! Just tamed this gorgeous creature at If they're going away from you, then Savage is heading away from you, too.

Also, the tracks get thicker and darker the closer you get to her. It took a few long, annoying trips around the spawn path suggested on the map at the top so many aggressive mobs! Thankfully, no other players were around to disrupt the tame, but I have heard a few friends complain that while they were taming, a few people thought it would be cute to try and disrupt their tames. Once unstealthed, Savage can be targeted by anyone, so make sure you Hunter's Mark and tag her for your own!

Once that's done, lay a flare and a trap, and Tame Beast away! Enjoy your new combat companion! Caelann Level 85 Blood Elf Hunter Moon Guard - US. Comment by hamilkar Tamed him last week, but ran a daily last night and noticed the same cat skin on a quest mob on the Windward Isles. I thought the Windward cat was the gray version at first, but tamed him and he is the same cat as Savage. No need to go through the time wasting exercise of taming Savage when you can get the same thing easier.

Comment by wolfspartan Just tamed on Lothar at 9: Tracks are indeed going the right way now. He continues to walk on even after you Mark him and start taming. Comment by Gruntypig As of 5. Comment by Typhos I tamed him about 5 min ago, I followed his tracks forward. I haven't seen any new posts related to tracking him. For a little bit I followed them backwards but the tracks started to disapear. After following them foward for a little bit I caught up to him. Comment by Typhos You can follow his tracks forwards now.

I tamed him just a bit ago and I was finding that following him backwards that his tracks started to disapear. Once I started following him forward I was able to ketch up to him quickly and tame him. Comment by Hylianzero 5.

Just tamed him Nine AM on Norgannon. Comment by Shark I guess they fixed the direction of th paws with 5. Comment by gladamira93 hey guys i just tamed savage on stormrage at 3: Comment by Keestone Ok i tamed this beauty this afternoon.

I did want to mention that the tracks are forwards, not backwards as earlier posts indicate. Maybe it's because the 5. I got him around the lake in the center of his patrol, i jumped ahead of his tracks and kept popping flares til he walked into my waiting tame.

He didn't even stop to try to stop me, kept walking as if nothing was gonna bother him. Anyways hope this helps Comment by odarra I am not sure if people have pointed this out yet. I just tamed this pet a few minutes ago. Apparently Blizz has fixed the blood track bug. It is not backward anymore. Also the newest blood track indicates the most recent spot it passed. As for patch 5. Comment by polycarp Just tamed him at 37, 52 at st on deathwing. Took me about 10 mins to find him and his tracks are in the right direction now.

Comment by Lickst Spotted him 7: I wasn't able to use Hunter's Mark on him, and if he walked out of the flare's range before I was done channeling, it canceled the channel. I also noticed that he doesn't despawn if he reaches his spawn point, he just starts his patrol again. Good luck to everyone still hunting him! Meaning you need to follow the tracks in the direction the "toes" are pointing. Savage is a pain to tame because: Hunter's mark did not work on him, freezing trap did not work.

Even hitting him with arcane shot had no effect, he did not aggro. He just keeps walking on his path. When you track him, try to familiarize yourself with his pathway, not just through the map, but through actual markers on the ground.

If necessary kill a npc near a track, and dont loot it, for it to act as a way point. This way if you lose track, you have the corpse to point the last known location of the track.

Turning down ground clutter to low helps. Also keep in mind, on the map shown in wowhead for Savage's patrol path, where you see the bridges and roads, Savage will not be on those. If he needs to cross a river, he would evidently rather wade through the water than take the bridge right next to it.

I wasted a lot of time flaring near or on the bridge or roads. Savage stays on the grassy ground always. Also, after dropping the flare: Physically run to the spot - ahead of the flare. Then, when Savage comes in to the flare, start taming. I was excited and several times started the tame from 0,-2 or 0,-1 and Savage promptly walked out of range and out of the flare. Since once he walks out of the flare, good luck getting him back in one given points 1,2,3,4 above.

The time to find the tracks was not so much, I remember camping for days for the WOTLK spirit beasts. But the actual process to tame, given his propensity to just ignore you and walk away, makes this tame a challenge.

His character is also nothing spectacular. He looks like the orange colored tigers which roam about Jade forest. Same look, and honestly the white color is not even that appealing.

Winterspring tigers look cooler with their lilac stripes. I actually had to abandon Kirix to be able to free a slot to tame Savage. I also abandoned Skitterflame for Hexapos. While Kirix and Skitterflame were challenges, but I still have Deth'tilac - which is the same model but different color. Seems like a shame though. Blizzard doesn't care much about hunters. Submitting a screenshot with Savage and the companion pet Winterspring cub. Comment by Ninjau29 Are his tracks still backwards?

I'm seeing tracks but so far cannot find him. Nevermind I saw someone's comment. I got him up top near the Sri-La Village. One way which worked was wait till he gets up top or bottom, since he does not despawn, wait till you know he is close drop both flares or a flare and a ice trap to freeze him.

I was able to get ahead of him and drop a flare and a trap a few steps away right at the end of his patrol he just turns around buying you more time.

He walked up to me, turned around and stepped on my trap. I think the trap also has to be in the flare in order to work.

Comment by bek1 I just found out about Savage tonight around 6: Decided to go check the route. Found the tracks, but spent probably two hours trying to follow them. Finally read and found to turn down clutter density, and that helped, but it was still a pain. Found him at one point, decided to throw down an ice trap I assumed he would attack. I did not realize once he gets out of the flare, he was gone again.

That was quite a surprise. Found him briefly, lost him again. Found him again maybe 10 minutes later going through a narrow pass thank God by popping flares one after another and hoping he hadn't come through there yet. Started taming, but he got out of the flare before the tame was finished and I lost him again.

Attempted once or twice more with the same result. Went a few feet up the gully which was about to end and making it that much harder to find him and popped another flare.

The 20 second cooldown is a HUGE pain. BOOM, there he was. I did not hesitate this time and started the tame immediately. Barely completed it before he exited the flare area. This is what happens when you don't research ahead of time.

Kept his name "Savage", but considered naming him simply "PITA. Comment by imre Unlike some other commenters here, I didn't have trouble with Hunter's Mark not working. Popped my Flares where I thought he was about to be, he appeared, I Marked him and tamed without incident. So don't go into this thinking "oh I won't bother marking, I'll just be frantic" -- might as well try HM first! Comment by Xiaolin Haven't been online for over a month.

Just read about this cat yesterday. Went for a look, and found tracks after 10 mins or so. Tried taming during flare, didn't work 5 times or so. Accidently pressed Hunters Mark and it worked: Comment by Dediri just tamed Tried posting screenshot it was near the lake between the bamboo tree near the middle of his path. Comment by Komamura just tamed on Sister's of Elune Server. Comment by Lukecastillo Yea yo i found him in the jade forest you just gotta follow these points on the map they show here as best as you can the tracks are green as they said or dark green whatever When You mouse over it you will see it says bloody tracks that is the indication that he is there you should follow them as best you can i got lost a lot since the tracks are so small but follow them towards the direction that they face zoom out a lil too see if theres any surronding you, and if they arent, and when it seems ur at the last one USE A FLARE exactly the amount apart each track is from each other so like 10 feet also when your at your last track the next one will be developing ahead of you so you want to put that flare down quickly.

Thats all i did. Completed a tame twice on this cat but it didn't become my pet. First time I just started taming as soon as he entered my flare. Looked like I had plenty of time but I just assumed "guess not" when he wasn't at my side. Second time, I put down a flare and a freezing trap. He walked in, got trapped, and again I channeled tame. Now I can't find him. I'll try again tomorrow. Comment by Terrorist When i found Savage it was tagged to some1 else. During the tame he was not attacked me and before tame finish he was become invisible so taming interrupted couple times.

So i followed him almost 10 minutes and shot him untill his half HP. After savage i went to tame other rares. When you found rare it will be disappear in few second even you attack him he will also disappear. You have to put Hunter's Mark on him to stop disappearing! Then enjoy ur new pet: Comment by Deyamira For people that really don't want to camp him or whatever Ro'shan has the same look and is an 85 elite one of the begining horde pandaria quest mobs location is Goodluck to all fellow hunters.

Comment by skitsnakk Started with the lake, tracked him to just a little south of emperors omen, and used flaire straight ahed of where the tracks stopped. Marked him with hunters mark and could tame him.

Savage Mark II BTVLSS LR

If you want you can freeze him to, then it will go easier: Comment by Kailayla I was looking for him since I first got to Pandaria, but I couldn't find him. And suddenly today, I saw his footprints!

I lost him at first but found him again and tamed him! Followed the footsteps a long time. Made some flares - see him and nearly disapeared immediately when I started taming.

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