Stock market portfolios lesson plans

Stock market portfolios lesson plans

Posted: level Date: 14.07.2017

This unit provides five lessons for conducting a modified stock market game in your classroom. The lessons are titled: Determining Stock Market CriteriaCreating a PortfolioGraphing StocksGraphing Stocks With A Spreadsheetand Stock Statistics.

In Determining Stock Market Criteria, students learn about the concept of stocks and investment and the criteria for selecting of stocks. In Creating a Portfolio, students are shown how to keep track of the progress of their investments. In the two graphing lessons, students use both drawing application and spreadsheet application to create, read, and interpret stock progress on graphs.

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The Stock Statistics lessons provides opportunities for the students to find the range, mean, high, low, and use spreadsheet formulas for finding statistical information about their investments. In this unit, the teacher, using an LCD display projector, shows the class how to find stock reports, quotes, and news article related to stocks on the Internet.

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After formulating these criteria, the information is added to a semantic web. Additional criteria for discussion might include sector, industry, number of employees, what the company manufactures or sells, net income, revenues, and who else invests in this company. Students are then shown how to track their stocks using a portfolio as used on American Online in their Personal Finance section.

Portfolios for each cooperative learning group are set up.

The students track the progress of their stocks using their portfolio and by keeping a daily narrative journal with a word processing application such as Student Writing Stock market portfolios lesson plans. Next students use a drawing application and a spreadsheet to create graphs showing the progress of their stocks and finally use a spreadsheet, as illustrated via stock market portfolios lesson plans LCD display projector by the teacher, to calculate statistical data related to their stocks. students are evaluated on participation and their ability to find locations on the Internet for researching stocks.

The teacher evaluates the quality of the semantic web and database created as well as the criteria established. In addition, students will be evaluated on their success in setting up a group portfolio, interpreting daily changes in their portfolio, and on writing about the progress of their investments in narrative form in their journal.

Students will also be evaluated on their ability to work cooperatively in groups and in the presentation of the information they find. In cooperative learning groups, students read and analyze investment reports, graphs, news articles, and company overviews on the Web for associated press hack stock market different stocks.

How I Built A $300,000 Stock Portfolio Before 30

From the data, they synthesize the information and add to their list of criteria to be used in selecting stocks for investment. For lower grades,the teacher creates a database based on the semantic map that the students make. The students also create a group portfolio and journal to track their stocks, create and interpret graphs and spreadsheets, and use call divert option in micromax canvas 2 formulas to calculate statistical data.

If possible, a parent or someone familiar with the stock market might speak to the students about investment options. Teachers in New York City can also plan a trip to the New York Stock Exchange. Carolyn Hornik has been a New York City public school teacher for twenty five years 12 years as a classroom teacher in third, fourth, and fifth grades and 13 years as a technology coordinator.

She teaches in-service courses for the New York City Board of Education After School Professional Development Program and on-line courses for new teachers through Teachers Network. Estimated Class Periods To Complete: English, Social Studies Beginning Grade Level: Come across an outdated link? Please visit The Wayback Machine to find what you are looking for. Google Search Our Site. Google Search the Entire Web. Proud New Owners of teachnet. But Please Stop Copying this Site.

stock market portfolios lesson plans

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