Stock market wall street apush

Stock market wall street apush

Posted: jarik Date: 21.06.2017

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Stock Market; Wall Street. Its crash in October 29 sparked the Great Depression.

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Black Tuesday October 29, Day most remembered as the stock market crash. Nervous investors tried to sell but non one wanted to buy and prices plummeted.

APUSH Radio Stock Market

An average of stock prices of major industries. During the Stock Market Crash, it dropped from to Purching stock with a little money down with the promise of paying the balance at sometime in the future. The total value of goods and services, including income received from abroad, produced by the residents of a country within a specific time period, usually one year.

President from to , called on businesses to help solve the situation rather than the government. Americans felt he did little to help them.

Agency established n to provide emergency relief to large businesses, insurance companies, and banks. A march of unemployed veterans who were soon joined by many others to demand immediate payment of the bonuses promised them at a later date. Was elected president of the US by an overwhelming majority in , introduced the New Deal, and led the US through most of WWII.

The Twentieth Amendment effectively shortened the period between the presidential election and inauguration. It set a new date, January 20 for the start of a president's term. Established to serve the "three Rs" Relief for the people out of work, Recovery for business and the economy as a whole, and Reform of American economic institutions. The three goals of FDR's New Deal. Group of expert policy advisers who worked with FDR in the s to end the great depression. Secretary of Labor from to , and the first woman ever appointed to the cabinet.

The special session lasted about three months: FDR kept his campaign promise and repealed the prohibtion of alcohol with the twenty-first amendment which nullified amendment Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC. It was Relief that provided work for young men years old in food control, planting, flood work, etc. The Tennessee Valley Authority federation.

Was created in in order to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development in the Tennessee Valley, a region particularly impacted by the Great Depression. These codes discouraged price competition between firms, set minimum wages in each industry, and sometimes limited production.

Security and Exchange Commission. Gave both the construction industry and homeowners a boost by insuring bank loans for building new houses and repairing old ones. Massive work relief program funded projects ranging from construction to acting; disbanded by FDR during WWII.

APUSH Chapter The Great Depression and the New Deal Flashcards | Quizlet

Former New York social worker who became an influential FDR adviser and head of several New Deal agencies. National Labor Relations Wagner Act Makes it illegal to discriminate in hiring or firing because of union membership or organizational activities. Social Security Act Created both the Social Security Program and a national assistance program for poor children, usually called "AFDC. Supreme Court Reorganization Plan.

Congress of Industrial Organizations.

stock market wall street apush

Long-time labor leader who organized and led the first important unskilled workers labor union, called in to represent union during sit-down strike. Fair Labor Standards Act The Democrats' alliance of the Solid South, organized labor, Catholics and urban ethnic groups stemming from Franklin Roosevelt's policies of the s. British economist who argued that for a nation to recovery fully from a depression, the govt had to spend money to encourage investment and consumption.

Drought; Dust Bowl; Okies. Region became known as the dust bowl, as poor farming practice coupled with high winds blew away millions of tons of dried topsoiled.

stock market wall street apush

John Steinbeck; The Grapes of Wrath. Set during the Great Depression, this novel focuses on a poor family of sharecroppers driven from their home by drought, economic hardship, and changes in the agriculture industry. Distinguished African American singer had been refused the use of Constitution Hall in DC, by the all-white Daughters of the American Revolution.

United States educator who worked to improve race relations and educational opportunities for Black Americans Fair Employment Practices Committee. Black leader, who threatens a march to end discrimination in the work place; Roosevelt gives in with companies that get federal grants. Indian Reorganization Wheeler-Howard Act It attempted to undo the damage done by the Dawes Act by restoring tribal ownership of reservation lands and giving the Indians credit for land purchases.

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