Stock markets are rigged casinos

Stock markets are rigged casinos

Posted: quqre Date: 15.06.2017

Authored by Mark St. It turned into a lively sarcastic discussion I had fun with. So much so, I decided to put it all down and elaborate a little further into a post for those which may be in that same camp. So with that said the example went something like this:. So, you decide to go see for yourself. You know how they work where all the beautiful lights, and giveaway buffets are all paid with losers money.

You remember these places almost always being full to capacity. People were laughing, eating, drinking, and all the trappings. So there you are eager to see what all the buzz is about for surely — if the jackpots have never been higher, then surely the place must be hopping.

When you arrive you notice something immediately — the parking lot built to hold thousands of cars is basically empty except for a peppering of clusters near the entrances. There are this very thing at many casinos today. Another thing you also notice immediately: Many of the tables are either empty or have just one player. There seems to be more people in this area than any of the others. At times you hear bells, buzzers, hoots and hollers followed with a flurry of activity from camera crews and reporters circling around one of the games or tables dispensing minute by minute details of what just happened: This is the game in play as of this moment!

You need to be in it to win it, so buy, buy, buy! Where is the money coming from to play? Let alone pay out? And here is where it begins to fall together, or too pieces, depending on your take of the whole thing. Remember when we started? The rules you once thought you knew which were pretty much universally known as well as understood, no longer apply in this casino.

So keep this in mind. The wheels seem to not spin when you hit your button — they seem to momentarily pause first. Same goes for stopping. You decide to call a floor worker over to complain. With the last experience still eating at you, you decide to take a break and maybe have a cocktail at the bar. Maybe you were once an amateur statistician for baseball and such.

You have a good handle of this and you believe based upon your own math and knowledge of the game you have a good chance of coming up with the right conclusion. You place your bet i. Then — not only are you wrong: As a matter of fact the names announced make absolutely no sense to you. You know their numbers intimately and accurately surmise: What is happening you ask? The games you watched or went to where you saw this team or player beat or make that play — nullified.

Singles are now scored as doubles, or triples. Triples are grand slams and on, and on. Winning teams won more than they even played. And — it changes not only every day or moment. History is changed also. People that were benched most of their seasons in previous years are now moved into Hall of Fame statistics. Frustrated you slam your empty glass and move onto something else. The person looks well-worn and has the aire of having been around this place for some time.

Regardless of how many winners or losers. In other words statistically the house always profited by a few percent points that were mathematically calculable and was the basis for paying for much if not all of the overhead years ago. They now farm all that out to the High Frequency Trading HFT companies, and they skim every and all transactions, big or small; and kick back a percentage of that to the house. And HFT takes no chances, it alleviates them.

Think about that long and hard. The casino today is far too concerned with appearances. And one way to do that is to have ever higher, and more tantalizing headlines of an ever-increasing jackpot.

And this is easy to do; even with a diminishing amount of not only players, but also the money available to play within. For like I also alluded earlier: The rules you thought applied are no longer relevant here. Take this for an example.. There are 10 players over there, each playing their own hands of blackjack. Suddenly there will be a commotion of hoots and hollers coming from a craps table. One player seems to suddenly have the winning touch. To this new-found excitement all those former blackjack players will leave their tables and pile onto the craps table.

When a hit, hits — the pay off within that singular environment is and will be exponential. No addition of players within the room. As a matter of fact, the amount of total participants may have actually fell. All that happened were the 10 players that moved from one game — to concentrate in the other.

For that was — where the action is. In a casino a decade ago you were quietly shuffled out the exit. So what is the house Fed. Easy — finance them to continue playing in ways one never thought possible only a few years ago.

But how does that work out you ask? It makes absolutely no sense. The gentleman agrees with you, but is quick to make his point as to not be lost on you. Yet, they believe, it is they that understand. This is why nothing makes sense to you.

Because; all the rules have been changed to adapt to nonsensical ideas or interventions into the game. Where is the money to be played coming from? Someone has to be losing. And just like the Fed.

stock markets are rigged casinos

And with the Fed. In the old days when you cashed your chips the house needed to have the equivalent in cash-on-hand so you could cash out and leave. So there was strict adherence and attention paid to balance sheets. Today, what does it matter? Payout a jackpot for more than you had? Make more, and print more to cover it. Same goes the other way, Need more to loan?

Create more and print more to cover that also. And the fine act of balancing the books is rendered moot. Questioning of the house and its solvency is scorned as irrelevant by this one point. As for the amount of bets i. Today, that one player, at that one table, will play more hands and deal more cards between themselves and the electronic dealer than what once took a roomful of physical people.

Matter of fact they even encourage it. This is called the HFT vig. Every time you go to play — you pay for it one way or another. It is perfectly acceptable for them to see your card before you get it. Once you know that rule — you really want to belly up there and join in? Sometimes in spectacular ways! Right now they can always get credit to keep the games as well as the players going. And for some, the credit seems unlimited. Maybe even the right car or even a house. But it was an option.

Everyone knows its garbage — but no one cares. So…it goes on unabated. Remember just like the Fed. For now at least. Levitating the entire index itself ever and ever higher. Just the one or a few main players. No real appreciable growth overall — just the illusion of it.

Many of the people here are very smart.

Yes, stocks are rigged and Fed is the biggest rigger - MarketWatch

Again, the only thing that is keeping this house of cards together: What is currently residing within this casino market structure is nothing more than the movement or funneling of the residual force, further contracting, or consolidating into fewer and fewer avenues or games desperately searching for the possibility of any pay out. Regardless of how little.

Stock Market Rigged

Which brings us all back to why when you probably entered the parking lot you wondered how seeing such dismal activity, as well as an outright near disdain when you told anyone who knew of this place you were coming here. With even greater prizes to be had even sooner! It works better and is cheaper than actual liquor. It keeps everyone happy within the walls and enhances the experience, while simultaneously acting as one non-stop running commercial to entice anyone foolish to think they too can get rich quick.

All legal by the way. The laws were adapted to fit the criteria. So with your new-found insight — do you want to still stay and play? I want to be the first in line to buy this place with all its contents for probably less than zero.

They may offer to pay me to take it off their hands. Then I can get down to rebuilding it into a proper business that makes money the old-fashioned way. By earning it via trust, and equitable jackpots with understandable odds and above the board rules. Gambling is part of the culture of "money for nothin" that compells other losers to take advantage of entitlements, social welfare. Same culture where bankers create trillions of pixel dollars out of thin air and purchase everything they want while they force you to work to 'earn' this imaginary money which they allow you to exchange for food.

Precisely why my family has been in farming and weapons development for four generations The writing was poor, the metaphor strained and clunky, despite being a natural fit. Short attention spans are a sympton of the sound-bite driven propaganda news, thoughts contained to character limits on 'what's-popular-is-news" sites like Twitter and the ADD generations that make up the generations under the age of 30 or so.

Can't wait until its obvious the efficient distribution of goods and services requires a freer market. They've owned them since the 19th century and as you should be able to conclude, have expanded greatly since then. Goldman decides what it wants It isn't gambling and it isn't market Bit of a long explanation. Replace Dick Turpin with other, more up to date , liquidity thiefs and the results the same.

Think like a thief and a few gold coins are there for the taking. You can then go back to helping old ladies cross the road at the weekend The only gamblers willing to read a post that long are horseplayers, and, unfortunately, in the U.

stock markets are rigged casinos

Dice have statistics and then they have physical limitations because of their weight and the enviroment that they are rolled in. After Casino auditors for Wayne Newton started calling me dirty at the Alladin and the house men at the Hilton Flamingo took down my name and address and told me "you know you'll never lose the way you are playing" I was betting 27 bets at the same time and had the stickmen and dealers helping me via huge tips.

Yes, stocks are rigged and Fed is the biggest rigger - MarketWatch

I quit going back. But I sure had fun. These chump banksters should be no problem. Too bad I didn't read it before I started shorting the market again when it came off the bottom in Back then things were simple. The place was run by the mob and everyone knew the rules. No dancing fountains, no volcanoes, no peddlers on the strip pushing hooker ads on you if you wanted a hooker, just ask. Blackjack went to 2, 3, 6 decks or more, slot machines lost their coins too slow and went digital.

Now you can play all the table games in digital format, with some creepy sim projections asking you to place your bets. The stock market in those days was pretty much the same. So that the average retail investor, even now, would have a better chance going to Vegas and plopping it all down on the Pass line with full odds one of the few bets in Vegas that will pay you actual odds.

Or, better yet, make nice bundles of you money and keep it handy. Not that it will buy much in the future, but they burn nicely and will keep you warm for a while. I see no humor in this. Back in, what was it, I think I lost about a quater of my accumulated wealth when these fraudsters hit the COMEX with forced margin calls at the same time they piled on a mountain of paper, reversing the PMs market before I could do a thing about it.

I lost a great deal more when forced to sell physical into a smashed market to help pay the costs of a lawsuit concerning the death of my son at the hands of a logging truck, with state police doing their best to cover it up he was killed on the way to school in the morning by a log truck that was speeding in heavy fog I only mention the lawsuit etc so that you understand I was not forced to sell due to poor planning No, I see no humor in all of the corruption, from the financial market, to the legal system, to the total lack of control of political entities by the population.

I am not amused by arguements that the sheep get what they disserve. And I can only feel sorry for those of you who are young I say helped, as they were not alone and we have been set on this path along time I am single, and have no children, and so it is relatively easy for me to watch the collapse impassionately. I cannot even imagine what you must have gone through. I hope you nail those bastards to the proverbial cross. I miss any comment about ETF's.

Thats where millions of Americans have their retirements. They may not be in the casino trading, but their ETF's are. Here's our Cookie Policy. How to report offensive comments. Home Contributors Newsletter Donate More Store ZH-TShirt Glossary Archive Manifesto RSS. INTRoDuCiNG ReBu, THe WORLD'S FiRST RoBoT CeO Sep 1, 1: So with that said the example went something like this: Is everyone in here stupid?

Why are you here? Or, why do you stay? Apple High Frequency Trading dark pools headlines High Frequency Trading Gambling Technical Analysis Dark Pools ETC Bond Crude Chicken Little Reality Kool-Aid HFT. Printer-friendly version Sep 1, 1: Comment viewing options Flat list - collapsed Flat list - expanded Threaded list - collapsed Threaded list - expanded.

Date - newest first Date - oldest first. Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes. Zirpedge Sep 1, 1: Cosmicserpent Zirpedge Sep 1, 1: LawsofPhysics Cosmicserpent Sep 1, 1: Remember, when fraud is the status quo possession is the law.

Dr. R. Vaidyanathan - National Economic Debate, Stock Markets Or Rigged Casinos - VidInfo

This article is too long for attempting to make the simple point. I call it clubbing the E trade baby and selling the parts. KnuckleDragger-X Sep 1, 1: The only way to win is not to play, so I quit playing I think this works better. JDFX Sep 1, 1: Tinky Sep 1, 1: Mark — The only gamblers willing to read a post that long are horseplayers, and, unfortunately, in the U.

Slot players might make it through two sentences. Temporalist Sep 1, 1: Just yesterday Charlie Gaspingforairino said the markets aren't frauds. Element Sep 1, 2: Nth time everything is rigged EXCEPY oil right Tyler Really threee-card monte with shill "winners" and all.

Zion is a scheme, not an ethnicity. Lordflin Sep 1, 3: Make light of that Tinky Lordflin Sep 1, 4: Good, sobering reminder, and I'm sorry for your loss. Non Merger Sep 1, 3: Nice article with a good analogy. Unfortunately, it's too long for the TLDR crowd. What a goddamn shame: Youri Carma Sep 1, 4: ConfederateH Sep 2, 5: Create new account Request new password.

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stock markets are rigged casinos

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