Day trading options profiting from price distortions in very brief time frames

Minimize Your Exposure to Market Risk and Increase Profits by Trading in Very Brief Time Frames.

Day Trading Options: Profiting from Price Distortions in Very Brief Time Frames by Jeff Augen. $ | Kindle Store - Investing | Pinterest | Briefs, Day trad…

Fundamental analysis based on company performance and financial predictions has proven meaningless. Technical traders must now compete with institutional trading programs utilizing supercomputers that analyze and execute trades in millisecond time frames.

day trading options profiting from price distortions in very brief time frames

So, how can a private investor compete in this environment? In Day Trading Options , expert option trader Jeff Augen shows you how to continue to profit even in these chaotic times.

day trading options profiting from price distortions in very brief time frames

Jeff Augen , currently a private investor and writer, has spent more than a decade building a unique intellectual property portfolio of databases, algorithms, and associated software for technical analysis of derivatives prices. His work, which includes more than a million lines of computer code, is particularly focused on the identification of subtle anomalies and price distortions.

Day Trading Options: Profiting from Price Distortions in Very Brief Time Frames | InformIT

Augen has a year history in information technology. From to , Augen was President and CEO of TurboWorx Inc. Profiting from Price Distortions in Very Brief Time Frames.

FT Press , 2 oct. New Directions in Automated Trading.

day trading options profiting from price distortions in very brief time frames

Working with Intraday Price Spike Charts. Profiting from Price Distortions in Very Brief Time Frames Jeff Augen FT Press , 2 oct.

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