Do stock brokers cold call

Do stock brokers cold call

Posted: ValdisRu Date: 21.07.2017
do stock brokers cold call

Before I begin, I must clarify. On the receiving end, I average conservatively 5 calls per week or annually. So it is not a stretch to say that I have listened to over 1, phone pitches, from brokers, in the last 5 years. I will admit it. I also enjoy and appreciate a good sales pitch.

Relevant information is the most valuable thing you can offer me. The best brokers always have a relevant comp sale or some noteworthy news to share with me. I always learn something when they call.

do stock brokers cold call

They understand what relevant means and they make an effort to know what is relevant to me. They do not waste my time by sharing things that are not relevant to me. You guys are really social and I would probably enjoy sitting down over a cold beer with you. Would that lead to business? If I take the time to share my development pipeline with you, at least send me some relevant market information or an occasional offer.

Cold Calls Still Help the Bottom Line - WSJ

You have to admit, that calling me quarterly to find out what is in my development pipeline, for no apparent reason, is kind of weird. The best brokers share something of value, ask enough questions to determine if there is an opportunity and ask for the next step. It is more than being respectful of MY time.

THEY are way too busy successful to spend 15 minutes on the phone with me. At least that is my perception. If my experience with you is that I will learn something relevant and you will be brief, I will often intercept your call before my assistant can answer the call and route you back to me when I noticed your name flash across the caller ID.

And my perception is that you are not all that busy. | Cold Calling – Know Your Rights

On a long trip. And I am bored. I am just keeping it real. What is the right amount of time to spend on a prospecting call? In other words make it your goal to be the one who terminates the call. You will increase do stock brokers cold call chances of me taking your subsequent calls significantly. This is a good idea when prospecting, too. I can count the brokers on one hand who share something of value, discover an opportunity and ASK for the next step.

The next step for most of you is the meeting. National brokers, such as STNL brokers, should be very good at articulating their value proposition and asking for the business on the phone. The best brokers that I have talked to not only ask for the business, they EXPECT it. I can count on TWO hands the number of options pair trading and thoughtful brokers who will share something of value, discover an opportunity and do NOT ask for the next step.

I will always take your call when possible and I love to hear from you.

Cold Call Without Getting The Cold Shoulder

One day Dayz trading post server may list something with you because you have been so helpful over the years. I know you are an above average broker with an above average income and a super nice person, but at the end of the day I want to do business with a salesperson. Please learn to ask for the meeting and ask for the business.

do stock brokers cold call

Then do it early and often. If you have given me something of value and discovered an opportunity, you have, at the very least, earned the right to present your value proposition and ask for the meeting or the next step. If you will eliminate these 3 mistakes from your prospecting, I am confident that you will differentiate yourself from the competition and increase your effectiveness and income significantly. Of course, the worst mistake you can possibly make is not to make the call to begin with.

I think your 3 Mistakes were a very Good read and should be followed, for both Business Brokerage as well as Commercial Sales that we do as well.

Thank you for your concise, well-written peice. I hear a lot of other brokers complain about rejection and a lot of training programs that encourage the touchy-feely approach as a way to sow seeds for future business.

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